报告人: Björn Birnir(University of California Santa Barbara)
报告题目:Boundary Value Turbulence
报告时间:2022年1月8日早上 10:00(北京时间)
邀 请 人: 孙博华教授 南非科学院院士、力学技术研究院院长和首席科学家

Björn Birnir:Professor of Mathematics and Director of Center for Complex and Non-linear Science Department of Mathematics University of California Santa Barbara, USA
Turbulence caused by the interaction of shear flow with a boundary is probably the most common form of turbulence encountered in nature and applications. In this talk, we will describe a recent development of a complete theory, describing the mean flow along the boundary, as a function of distance from the boundary, the variation (deviation from the mean flow), and the fine structure of turbulence. This theory rests on the work of Prandtl and von-Karman, from 100 years ago, the theory of turbulence developed by Kolmogorov between 1940-1960 and the work of Alan Townsend an Australian scientist in the 1970s. We will explain the historical background and the more recent work that made the development of the theory possible. Turbulence can be split into homogeneous turbulence, boundary value turbulence and Lagrangian turbulence. The theory of homogeneous turbulence turned out to play a significant role in the theory of boundary value turbulence. The theory of boundary value turbulence is also giving us insight into what the theory of Lagrangian turbulence might be.
