报告人: 张骏 教授(纽约大学 上海纽约大学)
报告题目:Symmetry Breaking Bifurcations in Fluid-Structure Interaction
邀 请 人: 孙博华教授 南非科学院院士、力学技术研究院院长和首席科学家
张骏教授现任纽约大学、上海纽约大学物理系和数学系(克朗所)两系教授,APS Fellow。始于2013年秋,他在上海纽约大学暨华东师大筹建一个流体物理实验室,继续开展对生物流体和地球流体等方向的研究。这些研究方向涉及动物的飞行和游泳,大陆板块漂移,和微观尺度上的流体输运等问题。他的研究工作曾在“物理评论快报”,“流体力学年鉴”和“自然”等杂志发表。张骏的工作也曾经被包括美国ABC电视台,“纽约客”,英国的“经济学人”,BBC电台,New Scientists,和Nature等杂志媒体广泛报道。因为工作和研究的原因,张教授的足迹遍及很多国家和地区,包括南极和北极的一些地方。
The study of fluid-structure interaction involves many disciplines: from fluid dynamics, biological locomotion, mechanical engineering, geophysical phenomena to applied mathematics. In this talk, I will demonstrate a few examples when seemingly symmetric structure-fluid systems bifurcate into asymmetric and unstable states as a result of close interaction. In particular, my first example shows how a “symmetric bird” or a symmetric wing, once flapped up and down in a fluid environment, could “take off” and sustain a unidirectional flight. The second example shows that a model-continent, when interacting with a convective mantle, results in oscillatory or trapped states. Lastly, I will discuss a recent discovery as a divided or partitioned thermal convection system finds a stable solution that resembles a “fluid lattice” and surprisingly boosts the heat flux by several folds. These phenomena were first found experimentally, and the results have been investigated by further experiments and numerical studies.
