报告人: 苏健教授
报告题目:Dynamical Analysis of Fluid-Conveying Pipes with Generalized Integral Transforms
邀 请 人:南非科学院院士、力学技术研究院院长、首席科学家 孙博华教授
苏健,巴西里约热内卢联邦大学(UFRJ)核工程系教授,前系主任 (2009-2013)。中国科学技术大学学士(1982),中国科学院工程热物理所硕士(1985),里约热内卢联邦大学博士(1993)。曾任巴西机械工程学会(ABCM)司库理事 (2005-2009),核工程专业委员会主任 (2010-2019)。现享有巴西国家科学研究与发展委员会(CNPq)资深研究津贴和里约热内卢州(FAPERJ)资深科学家资助。长期主持巴西科技部(CNPq),教育部(CAPES),和里约热内卢州(FAPERJ)科学基金项目。研究领域为核反应堆热工水力学,多相流,输运现象,流固耦合,以及解析数值混合方法在工程中的应用。
Su Jian is Professor of Nuclear Engineering at Federal University of Rio Janeiro, Brazil. He received a BS in Engineering Thermophysics from University of Science and Technology of China, a MS in Engineering Thermophysics from Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a DSc in Mechanical Engineering from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. He has been a faculty member at Nuclear Engineering Department, Federal University of Rio Janeiro since 1998, and was the Head of Department from 2009 to 2013. He was Director-Treasurer (2005 to 2009) and Chair of Technical Committee of Nuclear Engineering (2010 to 2019) of Brazilian Society of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences (ABCM). He has been a research fellow of Brazilian National Council of Scientific Research and Development (CNPq) since 2000, a senior research fellow of the State of Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ) since 2012. His research has been funded by Brazilian federal agencies CNPq and CAPES, and the State of Rio de Janeiro funding agency FAPERJ. His research interests are nuclear reactor thermal-hydraulics, multiphase flow transport phenomena, fluid-structure interaction, and hybrid analytical-numerical methods in engineering.
Pipes transporting fluids are widely encountered in industrial applications. Excessive vibration of fluid-conveying pipes is a major cause of equipment failure and plant shutdown, especially under seismic conditions. This talk will present some recent results of dynamical analysis of fluid-conveying pipes with generalized integral transforms. The mathematical models for the dynamics of fluid-conveying pipes are presented firstly, with classical and general elastic boundary conditions. Fourth-order Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problems are discussed to provide the base functions for generalized integral transforms. Eigenfunctions for Euler-Bernoulli beams with several combinations of end conditions are given in exponential function forms, instead of the traditional hyperbolic function forms, to overcome numerical difficulties associated with high-order eigenfunctions. The formalism of generalized integral transforms is presented and then applied in the dynamical analysis of fluid-conveying pipes. Numerical results are shown for clamped-clamped pipes conveying single-phase fluid and two-phase gas-liquid flow, and marine risers and pipelines conveying gas-liquid two-phase flow. Applications of generalized integral transforms in other structural mechanics problems are briefly reviewed. Finally, the future perspectives of dynamical analysis of fluid-conveying pipes are discussed.
