报告人: 刘子顺 教授(西安交通大学)
报告题目:Recent Development of Constitutive Models For Soft Materials-(Hydrogels and Shape Memory Polymers)
邀 请 人: 孙博华教授 南非科学院院士、力学技术研究院院长和首席科学家
刘子顺,西安交通大学应用力学学士、固体力学硕士;新加坡国立大学固体力学硕士和博士。现任西安交通大学教授,西安交通大学国际应用力学中心执行主任(兼任西安交通大学航天航空学院学术委员会主任),国际应用力学学报(IJAM)主编,国际计算材料科学与工程(IJCMSE)主编,材料与结构力学学报(JOMMS) 主编;多个SCI期刊编委。国际应用力学学会(IAAM)秘书长,新加坡计算力学学会荣誉主席,亚洲太平洋区计算力学学会常务理事,国际计算力学学会 (IACM) 常务理事, 国际应用力学学会会士(IAAM Fellow),新加坡计算力学学会会士(Fellow),新加坡国立大学兼职教授。主要研究方向:软物质力学;计算力学;纳米力学; 振动噪声。发表国际期刊杂志SCI论文190多篇。作为大会主席主办多个大型国际学术会议。
With development of soft machines, the mechanics of soft materials becomes an emerging field in applied mechanics. In last decade, computational methods have become main approaches to study mechanics of soft materials (hydrogels, shape memory polymers (SMPs), elastomers etc.). Simultaneously, different numerical simulation methods (FEM method, molecular dynamics etc.) have been proposed to predict deformation behavior of soft materials. In order to predict the deformation behaviors of soft materials correctly, it is critical to develop proper constitutive models. Since the constitutive models of soft materials are still in under development. Therefore, it is very imperative to assess and discuss the advances of new constitutive models for soft materials.
In this talk, Prof. Liu (speaker) will review some of the recent works aligned with the direction of providing a better understanding of new development of constitutive models of soft materials (such as, hydrogels, SMPs etc.). Since last decade, we have proposed different constitutive models for neutral and environmentally sensitive (temperature, pH-value, magnetics and light) hydrogels. For the SMPs study, we have established series new constitutive models for SMPs. To validate the proposed models, simulated and predicted results are compared with experimental results. As many issues related to the deformation behaviors of hydrogel and SMPs still remain open, we will provide some outlines for plausible future directions in the research of constitutive models in soft materials. Finally, we will overview the recent development of computational mechanics in the study of soft materials; especially, the advances of constitutive models for soft material in different research groups over the worldwide will be discussed and reviewed.
